About DreamIgnite

Dream Ignite is driven by a team of management and psychology experts with experience of more than 25 years in the industry.

Create Your Account

Create your account to get started. Register and go into courses for training and assessment or fix an appointment for one-to-one guidance through info@dreamignite.co

Get Counselling

Get counselling for your studies and in grooming fora job. This will help a long way in planning your career.

Get training

Get special education courses for students and train the trainer programme for trainers.

Get Evaluated

Get assessment in various aptitude test and interests. Students can get tested individually or as a group .


  • Dreams ignite gives you personalized report on assessments and guidance for study and career options.
  • Career transition guidance can be sought on a one to one basis.
  • Individual testing agencies can use the platform for group testing as their objectives matches with our area of assessment and training.
  • Personal guidance on queries related to education and careers will be handled by experts.


A comprehensive assessment with reliable tools will be given as a report to add clarity to your assumptions.

Training Courses

The training courses will help upgrade and develop personally . Courses are for self initiated practise and review, valid for three months.

Get Guidance

The queries addressed will be answered by experts over two three interactive sessions incorporating your aspirations.

Get Involved

Get involved to build customised tests and teaching through franchise option.